In the girls previous Lacrosse season, they dealt with a lot of hardship and were thrown into everything extremely fast. They thought they knew what to expect and claimed to be “chip-bound”; they were dead wrong. The team was in over their heads and started to get too confident too fast with overwhelming blindness of win after win.
Going into the season, everything was fine and going exactly how they envisioned it. But with the stress of practices, games, and extracurricular activities, Some of the Girls Lacrosse players began to fall back academically. By the second half of the season, they had 6 ineligible players; things got stressful FAST. With the girls facing this heart-dropping issue, the Head Coach, Alhuseney Trawally, called his basketball girl as backup; with the three extra girls joining Lacrosse on such short notice, the team was able to keep playing without worry. Although that wasn’t all this team faced. The girls started to get accustomed to winning games and not having much to worry about…until their Semi-Final game against Benjamin N. Cardozo High School, losing 8-7, making that their final game of the season.
Currently, the girls Lacrosse team is getting ready for their upcoming season. With their first game of the season being March 14th, they’re striving to be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit. They are consistently working out in a gym around Mott Haven called Grit City, going to Randalls Island to practice and condition, and having team bonding to ensure the team is not only well disciplined but also working hard to the best of their abilities.
Looking at the Girls Lacrosse 2024-2025 roster, There are approximately 23 players on the team. All 23 of those girls are working on being eligible for this season by passing all their classes above a 75, coming to practice and putting in their best effort, getting good attendance, and turning in their required consent forms and physicals. They are also looking for 2 managers to handle taking stats and recording.
In the future, the girls lacrosse team strives to:
- Move up a division in PSAL
Currently the girls team is division A varsity but the goal is to become AA in the coming years. The difference between the two divisions is that AA is known to be higher competition with more skilled lacrosse teams.
- Be an all B passing team
Academics are big to play any sport in 223, but in lacrosse it’s natural to aim for more than just borderline, all students must be academically confident and on the right track.
- Have more people on the team
The girls love having new members as a part of their team so it’s no doubt they look forward to the incoming freshman, along with seeing the tryouts and love seeing their community grow.
- Get senior players into boarding school and college
This team loves to see their teammates thrive in their futures! They strongly believe in supporting their teammates the whole way through their individual journeys.