On Nov 5, 2024 The presidential election took place and it took the world by storm. The election was very suspenseful, stressful, and important to some people. The votes started to come in state by state, some quick and some slower than others. Compared to the last presidential election the votes started to come in very quickly and the outcome was determined quickly.
Around 2:00 AM on Nov 6,2024 Donald Trump was elected our 47th president.
The reaction to Donald Trump’s election among the students at HS223 was very diverse when it hit the news. Some were happy, some were very upset at the fact he won the election. Senior Anthony Williams said “ I kind of expected it, and was disappointed that he won but not surprised”.
Senior Laura Almanzar said she wasn’t surprised either by the fact he won but one thing that she said that caught my eye is that “ some men and women wouldn’t vote for a woman. They would rather pick a felon over a woman”.
Senior Jael Dawson said “ I felt sad when she didn’t win and it worried for my future” the reason she says that is because she heard that Trump is trying to defund the educational system and also she worries about the abortion laws he will put in and for health care.
Similarly, Senior Brianna Morales’ reaction, like Jael, to the results of the election Brianna said “I was disappointed, I thought more people would vote For Harris because a lot of people online were on Kamala Harris’ side.” She also talked about how she feels worried for the future of our education system and for our health care.
When going around asking people how they felt about the election I could not find anyone who felt positively about the Trump win.
Two words that frequently came up were “disappointed” and “expected” . I feel like the reason they say this is because a lot of people, especially the young generation wanted Kamala Harris to win the election. I also feel like the reason they said that it was expected is because not a lot of people were really rooting for Kamala and there’s multiple factors to this one of them mainly being that she is a female and a lot of people said that it’s not fair and that people would choose a felon over a woman and people kept talking about Trump’s criminal record.
I feel like our generation (Gen Z) are more involved with today’s politics and in a way it’s a good thing but I feel like people are judging others based on who they voted for and are not asking others why they voted for the person they did.
I ask that people who are voting try to find a common ground and to see other perspectives to help the nation. I know that people are genuinely concerned about the future, but I believe that having a dialogue and keeping positive will help to brighten our future.
Feb 25, 2025 at 1:58 pm